Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Korean War

The Soviets and Americans disagreed on the implementation of joint trusteeship over korea with each establishing it's socioeconomic system upon it's jurisdiction, leading in 1948, to the establishment of ideologically opposed governments. The United States and Soviet Union then withdrew their forces from korea. Growing tensions and border skirmishes between north and south led to the civil war called the korean war.

The Democratic People's Republic Of Korea

The democratic people's republic of korea (DPRK) was proclaimed on september 9, 1948. The new government c laimed to be the legitimate government of the whole of korea with seoul as it's capital. The D.P.R.K. was in control of the soviet-occupied northern parts of korea, and pyongyang became it's de facto capital. Since the entry of the soviet forces in 1945, a provisional government structure had been established in the occupation zone with Kim Sung-ll at it's helm. Kim became the prime minister of the D.P.R.K. The new state was ruled by the democratic front for the reunification of the fatherland with the communist workers party of north korea as it's leading force.